Broken Dreams

Embrace the ups and downs of life with Broken Dreams, a narrative-driven generative collection expressed across five distinct compositions.

Throughout our journey we will be dented, but every dent is like a beautiful impression upon our soul that makes us who we are. Dented Feels exists as a true-to-life story of perseverance, a call to action to come back stronger after every dent you take.

A meditation on the inspiring events that birthed Dented Feels, Broken Dreams was created in the belief that within every Broken Dreams exists the potential to build something beautiful out of the fragments.

With this collection, Dented Feels comes full circle back to how it all began, with a Broken Dream.

From the fragments of a broken dream

Stages of Grief

Broken Dreams is a thematic ensemble that reimagines the stages of grief into five distinct compositions: Denial, Bargaining, Guilt, Depression, and Acceptance, all rolled into one epic generative collection.

Each composition is a unique scene within a larger narrative. These compositions thread together like chapters in a book to tell a story about how our darkest moments inspire our brightest inspiration.

The creation of each composition was treated as it’s own separate collection. The result is a generative work of art with incredible diversity and depth of meaning.

With over 400 unique illustrated elements spread across five distinct compositions, Broken Dreams blends generative art and story telling into a collection unlike anything Dentin has created before.

Sample compositions for the Stages of Grief are shown below: Denial, Bargaining, Guilt, Depression, Acceptance

Unique Broken Dreams

Within each Stage of Grief is a special group of Unique Broken Dreams. These handcrafted 1-of-1 variations are completely distinct from the standard collection.

A small portion of the 150 Unique Broken Dreams are reserved for delivery to the collectors of the rarest pieces within the genesis Dented Feels collection. The rest will be delivered however fate decides.

Delivery of Broken Dreams

All Broken Dreams are automatically delivered directly to collectors of the genesis Dented Feels collection. The more dented the collector the more broken their dreams.

The release of Broken Dreams marks the end of Dented Dreams, The Dream Machine, and Feels Points.

Upon delivery of the Broken Dreams Collection, the story of Dented Feels has reached its full circle moment, returning back to how it all began, with Broken Dream.